When it come to baking knäckebröd, our bakers have a combined experience of several hundred years. Watch the flour fly as our bakers wield their bread paddles and manage fifteen loaves in the ovens at any one time. They have the delicate touch that only years in the baking profession can give you.
Managing the fire is a big part of the craft. Fire has a life of its own and it’s this that gives the knäckebröd its unique flavours. The fire is relit every day. Just a few minutes in these hot ovens is enough - and no two loaves are ever exactly the same.
Sorting and packing
After baking, the breads are left to dry for a few days before each one is inspected and sorted, also by hand. Some prefer the taste of lighter knäckebröd - we package these in our yellow packs as The Original. Others prefer a darker bake which we package in our blue packs as Extra Crispy. The difference between them is of course not an exact science. When it comes to hand-baked craft, it will be what it will be.
Five loaves - and a dash of love - are packed into every pack.
We’re passionate about baking knäckebröd in wood-fired ovens just the way it’s been done for centuries. We take pride in making sure the craft we love doesn’t die out.

After baking, the breads need to dry out. Baker Joel takes care of getting the breads to the drying room.

Baker Carina inspects and sorts each loaf. The darker ones are piled up while the lighter ones are spread out individually.